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November 19, 2009
Salem, Massachusetts                                                    November 19, 2009

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:10 p.m. at the Library with Trustees Clarke, Little, Shea present and Trustee Buckley present and presiding. Ms. Jackson was present.  Mayor Driscoll, Trustees Merry and Yale were absent.  

Approval of Minutes of September 17, 2009               UNANIMOUS   

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed including the FY 2009 Financial Statement and tax filings prepared by R. Peter Avila.  Ms. Jackson and the Trustees thanked Trustee Shea (Treasurer) for his prompt attention to the library’s financial matters.

Trustee Shea suggested that the Trustees consider repeating the holiday gift to the staff.  The Board felt that the economic times were still very dismal and it would be helpful to do it again this year.  The Trustees also voiced their appreciation of all the staff does to make the library so successful.  The Trustees voted to give all staff members a monetary gift of appreciation.

Ms. Jackson and Trustee Little updated the Trustees on the landscaping situation.  Trustee Little hired a new landscaper who did an excellent job of replanting around the fountain.  She feels that this new landscaper will be very easy to work with, and she and Ms. Jackson look forward to planning the garden for next year.  The Trustees thanked Trustee Little for her generous contributions to the landscaping fund and for her continuing interest in the library’s grounds.

Ms. Jackson reported on the library’s boiler.  Custodian Kevin Foucher noticed that the boiler was leaking and called a plumbing company to check it out.  The company reported that the water ports in the boiler were corroded and a new boiler should be considered.  The company was working on the boiler that day to do a temporary repair with the hope of making it through this year’s heating season.  The boiler is thirty years old and it had been moved from a different location during the 1987 renovation.  

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.